Bad Bitch Money

How to know your worth and get your money’s worth

About Us

About Us
About Us


Over dramatic money fanatics

Hello! We are Victoria and Pippin, and together we are

Victoria is determined to break down the stigma and shame that surrounds being ‘bad’ with money, and how our emotions about money impact our financial, physical and mental wellbeing.

Pippin is passionate about the fact Victoria’s money means she lives the life of her dreams. She is able to be adorable and look like a bad bitch all at the same time, and she knows it.

Welcome to the baddie crew: we talk about the money basics you didn’t even know you needed.

About Victoria

Victoria Shakeshaft is a qualified financial counsellor working in Perth, Western Australia (you can Google her, she’s legit). She’s spoken at Financial Counselling Australia’s national conference, and contributed to radio and print media in her role.

She is currently studying a law degree, is a moderately good weightlifter, a terrible pole dancer, and loves to lie reading in the sun like a lizard on a rock.

She’s already chosen her future book title and cries at the slightest inconveniences. Dramatic, but passionate.

A year of shame | Victoria Shakeshaft